The large-scale exercise in frame of ProSPeReS PROJECT
The aim of the exercise was to evaluate the measures for increasing the protection of people in places of worship. The large-scale exercise emulated the scenarios of terrorist threats that may happen in the places of worship.
The event with participation of the religious staff, volunteers, police units, fire-fighters and other public services allowed to test and improve the elaborated preventive measures and reactions procedures including: organizing and operating the welcome team; searching the venue for suspicious items; managing the incident; reacting to the terrorist attacks including the use of CBRN agents; evacuation, invacuation and lockdown; communication and cooperation during and after the incident.
The large-scale exercise was attended by 250 people, including 150 police officers from the Lodz Garrison (prevention, negotiation and anti-terrorist teams), representatives of the Lodz State Fire Department (including chemical rescue team) and 50 observers from Poland and other countries.
The organizers of the exercise were Regional Police Headquarters in Lodz, University of Lodz, Archdiocese of Lodz and ProSPeRes consortium, including CIK CBK.