Training for inspectors from the Provincional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw
On 16-17 December 2019, a team of specialists from the Crisis Information Centre CBK PAN conducted a training for inspectors of the Provincional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. (WIOŚ). The training covered selected issues of geographical information systems and remote sensing.
The aim of the training was to familiarize participants with geographic information system (GIS), satellite images and aerial photos. The following topics were covered:
- types of geospatial data and basic data formats,
- differences between raster and vector data,
- the concept of remote sensing, characteristics of satellite images, colour compositions and image photointerpretation basics,
- the process of acquiring satellite data and types of sensors,
- selected imaging systems and data availability in Poland,
- examples of the use fo satellite images and their limitations,
- spatial data sources - geoportals, WMS/WMTS/WFS services, data from the National Geodetic and Cartographic Resource, OpenStreetMap, Corine Land Cover, Forest Data Bank and data from various institutions such as: Polish Geological Institute, General Directorate for Environmental Protection, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management.
The practical part of the training was focused on the subject of photointerpretation and the use of GIS tools. Participants practiced the process of searching and downlading satellite images, creating their own maps, as well as performing volume measurements based on the digital surface model.
The training for WIOŚ inspectors was carried out as part of the project "The operating system for collecting, sharing and promotion of digital satellite information about the environment - Sat4Envi".